P3 - Coding Exhibition

Programming Term: array(s)


Arrays are objects that can declare one variable. It is a list storing multiple bits of data of the same type when it becomes impractical create many variables (such as declaring 100 variables for 100 bits of data).

An array is a list of values. These values are stored at specified positions in a sequence and are numbered off accordingly. For example, the array called "width" contains five integer values and the first value - 70 - is numbered [0]. The second value is 65 and is numbered [1]. This means that in the sequence, of the array "width", value 70 is positioned at the start and 65 is after it. The number referring to the position of each value is called the index (we use 0 as the beginning not one.)

For it work its reference must be declared. 

Example:   int height = new int[6];

The variable "Length" refers to the total number of items within each array; it is represented by an integer(s).

You can access a particular value by referring to: 
   - the name of the array 
   - and the index in square brackets 

Example:   width[1]

The value it holds (in this case the value is 65) so you can use it whenever an integer variable exists to:

   - assign a value to it
   - use it in calcualations
   - print its value ect.


An ArrayList, similar to an array of objects, is more flexible, you can add or delete items from the list of data and the array will resize itself to hold the new number of items accordingly. 

Within the ArrayList there are methods which exist to alter and manipulate its contents. They include:
   - the length of the ArrayList which is returned by the size() method
   - add() used to add on a new piece of data to the list
   - remove() which deletes it
   - and the get() which can return it to a specific position in the sequence

Brainstorming ideas:

Narrowing down to final idea:

Creating a doll house as an array, index numbers included within each 'room' where the characters are located. It will be made out of wood to reference people back to the idea of toys because this is something that everyone can relate to; in everyday life. The characters will be carved out of this block of wood so that when they've been taken out to be played with, they can be put back in, just like a toy box.

Time: cutting the wood pieces - 3-4 days
         creating the 'doll house' - approximately 2 days
         drawing the characters, painting and then glueing onto the wood pieces - about half a day

Cost: PVA glue, paper, paint, scissors (already have so no cost)
         wood material - $48 (basswood from Gordon Harris @ $8 per piece)
         paint brushes - approx $20
         paint - already have so no cost

Equipment: craft knife, cutting board, metal ruler (stuff I already have)

- simplified the doll house to a simple box (minus the roof and doors) and arranged the metaphor to, 'an array is like a doll house' because I felt that this would be more effective; relating to both females and males.

Began constructing:

Practice on drawing characters

Work in progress:

After talking to tutor, he recommended that I created something like a scene so that the idea of an array holding objects has a purpose for said objects to be used, not just sit there. So I created three wood stands for the characters (a limited number that he explained and I agreed upon that would force the person to experiment and be creative with whatever storyline they could come up with).

Final Design:

The scene:

Testing on people:
  • People had decided that they liked the medium I chose for this project, that it was 'interesting' and some found the drawings I made for my characters to be really cool.
  • When I watched them play with it, I saw that they knew how to use it, though for some it took more than a little while to figure it out (though not much) they could gather that the character pieces are meant to be taken out and interacted with the scene. Some of them then decided to put them all back into its original state.
  • I had a little discussion about the doors and in the end decided to not use it, for it kind of distracted the people from the main purpose of my project.
  • The scene I had in mind was a wedding scene, but that did not seem as obvious as I had predicted it would be as I saw later on watching people interact with it, but I just left it because I thought that it was enough that the main idea got across.